Sam Whiskey:"Right before the 2012 election! Perfect timing!"
Terra Incognita
JoinedPosts by Terra Incognita
Terra Incognita
Darth Frosty; do you realize that video celebrates slavery as well as McDonald's, with very obese children shown, and Walmart? Start at 46 seconds.
Terra Incognita
Graphic Picture Removed
Washington, DC (APE) - President Bush early this morning confirmed rumors of the death of Osama bin Laden, stating that, reluctantly, Bin Laden had died at the hands of foreign interrogators, not affiliated with the CIA. Bush stated that the CIA had been working fairly closely with the unnamed foreign government agency, but assumed no responsibilities for the treatment of Bin Laden.
Bush displayed pictures of the deceased bin Laden and stated that the body would be released to family members in time for full respect of Muslim burial customs, perhaps seeking to soften an anticipated backlash from Islamic extremists.Rumors of Bin Laden's death had been spreading among major news associations today, citing sources from Saudi Arabia and France who had suggested that he had died earlier this month from typhus. The White House stated that it was simply trying to keep the record straight, while critics pointed to the announcement as possibly an effort to rebuke criticism over the administration's perceived lack of concern over Bin Laden and Al Qaeda prior to this November's coming election.
"While this administration does not condone torture of any type," stated Bush, "this evil killer seems to have gotten what he deserved... the Lord, or Allah works in mischievous ways. This just further illustrates the need for Congress to whip into shape and pass this administration's anti-terror legislation. Who knows what kind of useful information we could have gotten from him if his interrogation had been done right."
Bush brushed off questions of the announcement as being an anticipated "October Surprise" for the coming elections. "Well, he didn't really last until October, now did he?" Bush quipped with reporters, "We finally got number one, and we're looking forward to the next one... bring 'em on."
The administration refused to answer questions as to how long Bin Laden had been in the custody of the unnamed foreign security agency, or what, if any information, Bin Laden had given up, citing security concerns. -
Terra Incognita
Does anyone have a link?
All I have is the following link but it's not doing anything.
Of course, Fokx News will be asking for Osama's death certificate.
Terra Incognita
Does anyone have a link?
All I have is the following link but it's not doing anything.
Of course, Fokx News will be asking for Osama's death certificate.
...Were Trump`s comments about Obama Racist?...
by OUTLAW inmore backlash: david letterman considers banning trump for his racist comments.
by colby hall | 8:16 am, april 29th, 2011 video .
david letterman and his guest dr. phil discussed donald trumps recent allegations that barack obama was.
Terra Incognita
"BTW, both of us are AGAIN off topic - but the thread is so hopelessly off topic that the topic police think it no longer matters."
I realize that you, in your obtuseness, cannot see the link between:
Re: ...Were Trump`s comments about Obama Racist?...
and this . . .
It is irrelevant whether Trump is racist or not because, even IF HE'S NOT, he panders to the racism present in his audience.
If I were your teacher in grade school, I would force you to write that a thousand times on the blackboard.
...Were Trump`s comments about Obama Racist?...
by OUTLAW inmore backlash: david letterman considers banning trump for his racist comments.
by colby hall | 8:16 am, april 29th, 2011 video .
david letterman and his guest dr. phil discussed donald trumps recent allegations that barack obama was.
Terra Incognita
"My point here Sylvia - was not to say Trump was NOT racist - but merely to say that the proof has not been forthcoming. I think he is just an idiot self-promoter."
The irony here James, is that you were criticizing me after I repeatedly stated the Trump DID NOT HAVE TO BE RACIST in order to be condemned as a demagogue. You yourself have stated that he is a "self promoter". Being a demagogue is a bit more than that but is close enough.
Yet you insisted that I was engaging in "fractured" thinking and contradicting myself. The bottom line to me is this. You may admit up to a point that Trump is egocentric but you don't want to acknowledge either the racism of a substantial portion of conservatives nor the depth of the man's psychopathology. As I believe I've stated before, Donald Trump may not be a racist, but he is worse than a racist when he panders to other people's prejudices.
The particular case in point, that supports my contention, was his statement about Obama's education. That was both a gross falsehood and an act of pandering to those who oppose Obama, not merely for his politics, but because they want to see Obama degraded in any way shape or form. Such hatred is not likely to be founded on mere political differences. There is something more fundamental at work here.,
...Were Trump`s comments about Obama Racist?...
by OUTLAW inmore backlash: david letterman considers banning trump for his racist comments.
by colby hall | 8:16 am, april 29th, 2011 video .
david letterman and his guest dr. phil discussed donald trumps recent allegations that barack obama was.
Terra Incognita
James, try as I might, I've lost track of what your point is. You seem to be personally defensive about the birther issue and other racist manifestations - but I do not see where anyone has accused you personally of being either a birther or a racist.
The issue with James is not that he's defending the birther or racist POV or even the assumption that someone has accused him of either. His issue is something quite different. It could be labeled as, "No enemies to the right". That phrase ironically, is derived from the old Right Wing phrase: "No enemies to the left.
It basically means that a person with a certain ideology is hesitant to condemn or criticize, except in token measure, those who are more radical than him. I have actually seen, on this forum, posters who specifically said that they did not support So-and-So (Who's in their general political camp) and did not support a particular belief in general. Yet when a poster on the opposite side of the fence brings up that So-and-So has a particular belief (which they do not support), they come out with their guns blazing in defense of the So-and-So they never supported!
Needless to say, they don't even respond when they are repeatedly reminded that they neither supported So-and-So or his particular idea.
No enemies to the Right.
...Were Trump`s comments about Obama Racist?...
by OUTLAW inmore backlash: david letterman considers banning trump for his racist comments.
by colby hall | 8:16 am, april 29th, 2011 video .
david letterman and his guest dr. phil discussed donald trumps recent allegations that barack obama was.
Terra Incognita
1) - The issue has been widely discussed about former California governor Arnold Swarzeneger - and it never was considered racism.
Could it be because he's white and European? Gee whiz, how obtuse can one be ?
2) - The issue was in fact NOT created by the Tea Party, Trump, or the Republican party. It was started by Hillary Clinton in the 2008 primaries.
Hilary Clinton; the seed. Tea Partiers; the sprout, the sapling; the young tree; the towering tree. It's very disingenous to mention Hilary in an attempt to hide the fact that the Tea Partiers inflated this issue 1000 fold.
3) - I personally (for whatever that is worth) have condemned the "birther" argument as nonsense many times here on JWN.
Still, you have made it obvious that you are a "fellow traveler" with these people regardless of a few specific issues that you may disagree with.
4) - We have a radicalized poster here who has said in the course of this thread:
You are speaking in the singular. Yet these statements seem to come from different posters; one of them is me.
a) - He hates all Republicans, Tea Party members, even people who watch Fox news.
Doesn't sound familiar
b) - at least half of all Republicans are racist.
I recognized this as a partial and distorted version of what I said in Post #171. I'll post the quote below:
Actually, criticism of Obama is both racist and/orpolitical. The proportion of political versus racist depends on each person. With a substantial number of Republicans being racists (46% of Mississippian Republicans want to ban interracial marriage*), it is obvious that both are motivations for any and all criticism. So why do you, James, claim that the race card is too easily being played? If you have such a substantial number of obvious racists, then it's obvious that they will criticize Obama on any issue.
* See page 1, paragraph 4, of the PDF.
And in Post #172, I stated:
c) - even if Trump is not himself racist, anybody who follows him is a racist, so Trump himself is a racist pimp.
Even though I said no such thing (using the word pimp) the thought of that statement parallels something I said, in Post #173:
JeffT:"I do not know if he is racist."
Jeff; whether or not Donald Trump is being racist is irrelevant. He is definitely a demagogue who panders to the prejudices of his audience, which is substantially racist. . . .
You have dodged that point several times. Why don't you come out directly and say:
Donald Trump IS NOT A DEMAGOGUE who panders to people who have a large racist element in their group.
Are you avoiding the question because it's obvious that Trump is a demagogue, period? That is the true issue. Not his racism but his moral torpidity in demagogically pandering to a group of hate-mongering idiots suffering from mass psychosis. And please don't focus on peripheral statements like the last half of the previous statement. Get some balls and respond to the issue of:
That is not a response to the poll that I linked to. I stated the logic of the situation very clearly. If there are so many Republicans in Mississippi that have such outlandish beliefs then it stands to reason that there definitely is a similar situation throughout the "Red States".
Please note that my statement about Republicans in general (not a specific state) says "substantial". The figure indicating that half of Republicans are in favor of making interracial marriage illegal is a reference to Mississippi Republicans. Mississippi is representative of the Red States that could swing an election regardless of their population.